ChangeTheDebate is a initiative and they are asking that we gather in communities to send a clear message that Canada needs a federal leaders' debate on Climate Change and a Green New Deal.
Join Neighbours for the Planet as we bring this action to Richmond Hill.
Date: Wednesday July 17
Time: 6-7pm
Location: SW corner of Yonge and Major Mackenzie right beside the Richmond Hill Public Library
We’re in a climate emergency. Fires, floods, and rising temperatures are already ravaging our communities. The government we elect in the 2019 election will lead us through four of the 11 remaining years scientists have given us to act on climate. This is an opportunity that we may never see again and one this movement can’t afford to miss. Over 11 million people tune in to watch federal leaders’ debates during Canadian elections -- and every one of them deserves to know which of our politicians has a real plan to tackle the biggest crisis of our time.
We deserve a federal leaders’ debate on climate change and the Green New Deal. And on July 17th, we’ll demand it.
As our public broadcaster, funded by public money, the CBC has both the power to organize a federal leaders’ debate and a responsibility to listen to the people. If enough of us take action, we can push the CBC to host a leaders’ debate on climate change.
Organizers in Collaboration with
Carrie Tai, Neighbours for the Planet
Anne Dalla Rosa, Targeting Climate Change
Our event made it on local Media - The Liberal.