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Meeting Summary: Jan 10, 2020 - Neighbours for the Planet Climate Action Meeting

Vision for 2020

  • Over the holidays, Carrie had some time to reflect on our vision for 2020.

  • She won’t be in a specific group as Carrie realizes that she needs to oversee the whole group, bring resources as needed, talk with city staff etc. Also, Carrie is busy with website updates, promotion, youth group, other climate group involvements & communications etc.

  • During group sessions, Carrie will split her time between groups to keep in the loop and give guidance.

Carrie has asked a few people to take on some needed roles:

  • Climate Strike Lead - Jim Brodie. As a film director, Jim has brought up some great ideas on doing some marches that will create a lot of public attention eg. Flash mobs

  • Marketing Design Lead - Alan Rapkin. As a graphic designer, Alan will design a new Neighbours for the Planet logo, as well as do the design work for a banner and business cards. Alan will design the layout of all our promotional material. We will be working on creating information sheets for each initiative we are working on.

  • Technical Writer - Martin Bush. As an author with years of experience in climate change and the renewable energy sector, Martin will review all information that will go into pamphlets, information sheets or any printed material for technical accuracy and wording.

  • Social Media Lead – Reuben Sedgwick. This is not a new role, but we need to start social media campaigns for each of our initiatives. Carrie will be talking to Reuben about this.

Finally, as most of you know, Carrie has taken time off work since May to focus on Neighbours for the Planet and the climate crisis, but she needs to go back to some paid work. She plans on returning part time and hence will have less time to devote to NftP.

Updates on Work Groups

With the busy holiday season, most groups have taken a break and have nothing to report.

1. Reducing Food Waste

Nothing to report from this group since last meeting.

2. Transportation

Martin has created an excellent draft document of the Action items for this group. He posted it in Slack. For convenience, here is the summary page.

Martin will focus on item 3 for now and hopefully next session will be able to assign some of the other members to lead some of the other items.


3. Plant Based Diet

Also nothing to report from this group. BUT Robin did bring in vegan oatmeal cookies that she made for the meeting. THANK YOU Robin! They were absolutely delicious!

New Items Discussed

  • We talked about creating information handouts for each initiative to hand out at the Feb 9th Sustainability Symposium event.

  • We discussed the need for public education on the climate crisis. According to a study done, girls aged 10-14 have a lot of influence on their parents. Here is the article that talks about the influence of youth on parents.

  • Martin mentioned that he is giving a slide presentation to the Eco Club at Pierre Trudeau High School in Markham. Jim Brodie will be helping out and filming the presentation.

  • Carrie gave an update on the Student Climate Action Group she is trying to build. The idea is for the students from different schools to meet so they can work together to collaborate and support each other. There are now students from 5 different schools interested. The first meeting will be scheduled in February after exams. Possibly Martin can give his presentation to this Student Group.

  • FridaysForFuture climate strikes were discussed. FFF International sent an email requesting that strikes occur every Friday! Carrie believes that the 3 girls from Maple High School who have been striking every Friday may have taken a break for exam time as she could not find their event on YorkRegion. Carrie will check in with them to see what the status is and let them know that we will start joining them when they restart.

  • Bogdan recommended that we read the book “Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources” by Rob Dietz and Daniel O’Neill. Here is a quick description from “We’re overusing the earth’s finite resources, and yet excessive consumption is failing to improve our lives. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill lay out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth—an economy where the goal is not more but enough. They explore specific strategies to conserve natural resources, stabilize population, reduce inequality, fix the financial system, create jobs, and more—all with the aim of maximizing long-term well-being instead of short-term profits. Filled with fresh ideas and surprising optimism, Enough Is Enough is the primer for achieving genuine prosperity and a hopeful future for all.

Upcoming Events - check here for more details

Mon Jan 13 – Drawdown NA will request Climate Emergency for Newmarket at Town council meeting.

  • Anyone who is able to make it out, please come out to show your support for this motion.

  • UPDATE – The Climate Emergency was approved unanimously!

Sat Jan 11 – Intersection Action by XR-RH

  • rescheduling to Sat 18th 10:30am – meet Hillcrest Mall food court

Sun Feb 9th, 1pm - Sustainability Symposium at RH Centre for Performing Arts

  • Hosted by Councillor David West, sponsored by Cleber Bernards.

  • All our climate groups will be tabling. Details on NftP website – please invite everyone in your circle of friends, family and neighbours. This is a great opportunity to create more public awareness.

Agenda items for next meeting

  • Climate moment

  • Updates by each group leader on status of action item

  • Group work session

  • Wrap Up

Meetings are held twice a month.

Next meeting will be Thursday January 23 The Loft at Longos, 10860 Yonge St.

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